On Sun, 2004-12-05 at 23:21, Yves Glodt wrote:
Right now the best value for the price seems to be
delivered by coditel,
which offer 2Mbit/15Gb for 45€
I've had my doubts about Coditel for some time now, mainly due to their
(useless, inoperative, non cooperative) customer service and tech
support... (the tech support seems to be in constant denial).
However, I'm a Coditel customer, obviously you don't have much choice
for your TV cable, and it seemed an interesting deal about the internet,
so I went with them. It wasn't too bad and was balanced by the fact
that they weren't able to "count" your consumption until recently, so
you basically had "flat rate".
All this changed in October, and I got my first (new) bill last month
where they billed me for an additional 10 GB... since I wasn't able to
use their proposed solution to check my actual xfer consumption, I
complained... and suddenly they fixed it so I was able to check my daily
consumption... As for the bill, they claim I consumed 17.x GB in
October... of course, I have no proof or way to check either case.
Strangely, my consumption for November was less than half that of
October. Today, I check through their interface and it seems there is no
consumption at all; actually, their system seems somhow lost in limbo.
And of course, they count upload and download... it is entirely possible
someone pinged me for one month...
My conclusion? Coditel sucks, I'm leaving them ASAP and I'm not about
to make them good publicity (or let anyone believe so). Their billing
system sucks, their accounting scheme sucks and you have no way to check
what's where or how you possibly could have transferred what THEY claim
you transferred.
Serge Marelli, Luxembourg
E-mail : serge.marelli(a)linux.lu
LiLux -
Defending Innovation against Patent Inflation
Free Software Foundation - http//www.fsf.org/