On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 10:29:21PM +0200, Yves Glodt wrote:
just for curiosity, after reading this post
Are there any (public or secret) rollouts of OSS on the desktop in
Of course there are. Sure, there's lot more FOSS stuff at the
network / network services level, but there's FOSS on the
desktop too.
With a study several people from the CRP Henri Tudor did a
few months ago within administrations for instance, we learned
that some administrations have set upon Firefox and some on
Thunderbird for web browsing and email, to replace certain
less secure and less standard-oriented products. On the
office front though, things look less promising, as those 0.1%
(or whatever) of MS Office documents that can't be handled by,
say, OpenOffice, are a real problem (think hundreds or thousands
of documents posing problems in a real-world setup).
As for having free operating systems on the desktop, well, we're
not there yet, unfortunately.
I know for the CRP Henri Tudor that our IT department is looking
closely at OpenOffice. Now with the Mac situation looking better
(think NeoOffice/J etc), chances are that this will be a real
alternative very soon, for most users here.
I myself know of 2 big companies/institutions with
about 1000 employees
which are using Thunderbird, one of them will go with Firefox probably
also. One of them however has customized the user-agent so that
Thunderbird is (at least at first sight) not recognizable...
The User-Agent issue is often done so as to avoid problems with
stupid/ridiculous dependencies built into badly-done webpages.
Also, if those companies route their tcp 80 traffic through a
proxy, the webserver will see only the proxy's settings anyway.
Greetings, Eric