On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Thierry Coutelier wrote:
alain.lutgen(a)ist.lu wrote:
| I decided recently to install ,LINUX Suse 9.1 using Yast2, on my old PC.
| It has only 64MB RAM, a PENTIUM CELERON 33 MHz processor and a 10GB Harddisk.
| Is it possible to run this LINUX Version correctly ???
I run an older 8.? version of SuSE on similar hardware - AMD K6-2 350
with 64MB and 20GB disk. I'd be suprised if 9.1 took that much more
horsepower. The CPU is not the main "problem" here, it is the main
Depends on what you want to do.
I assume the Celeron is at least 133 MHz
Running X-windows with KDE and OpenOffice will be a very bad experience.
Indeed, KDE plus OOo in only 64MB is no fun, but will work.
128MBytes of RAM would be the minimum. 256Mbytes would
be adequate
even if still slow due to the CPU.
IMHO more RAM will do much more than a faster CPU. If Alain (I guess
that's #4 ;-)) can get additional RAM for free, he'd be fine - I
wouldn't want to invest much money in this kind of hardware though.
You may run something like X with blackbox and
applications like
Opera or Mozilla and other smaller X applications.
A lightweight windowmanager would certainly help, just as using
lightweight applications (i.e. not Mozilla, but dillo or somesuch).
There are several "minimal" GNU/Linux distros that feature such
lightweight apps.
DeLi might give some insights here:
It is a "Desktop Light" Linux distribution.
Only to give an idea, I've been using fluxbox/Mozilla/OOo/Notes/...
@work until a few months ago on a P3 450MHz w/ 328MB RAM an ca. 9GB HD.
It was plenty quick when the apps were loaded, but loading them in the
first place was slow.
OTOH, I'm plenty happy with KDE and all on my home box (Athlon 800,
768MB RAM, 2x 9GB SCSI disks) - only CivCTP feels sluggish.
If you want to use it as a
router/gateway/firewall/small web/mail-server
the hardware is fine.
ACK, even if you won't want to run a CMS there (I did try on my
P90 w/ 40MB, it's sloooooooowwwww.
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Greets Eric
P.S. did you see yet that P&T & VO will upgrade DSL speeds?