Ok, Jean-Paul. Let's start over.

1.- First, run the following command BEFORE plugging in the device:

tail -f /var/log/dmesg
Then, plug the device in and paste the output here.

This will tell us if there is something wrong with the device.

2.- With the device plugged, run:


Paste the output here. If the device is recognised, this will tell us the device ID and the vendor ID.

3.- Paste also the output of:

more /etc/udev/rules.d/20-hw1.rules

We will check if the file exists, if the contents are right and if the IDs match those of the actual device.

4.- Finally, paste the output of:

grep plugdev /etc/group

This will tell us if the plugdev group exists and if you are a member.

5.- Also make sure that you follow the instructions here:


And that you have installed all the relevant applications:


You may need more than one. For Linux, they seem to work as Google Chrome plugins, so you need Chrome or Chromium version 50 or higher (current is 63).

On 07/12/17 20:55, Jean-Paul wrote:

Thank you so much

I tried several times, doesn't solve the problem, still the same


Le 07.12.2017 à 20:16, Miro Moman a écrit :

In summary, open a terminal and paste:

wget -q -O - https://www.ledgerwallet.com/support/add_udev_rules.sh | sudo bash

Then ENTER, it will prompt you for your password.

Then paste:

sudo adduser USERNAME plugdev

replacing USERNAME with your user name. Then ENTER.

Reboot and plug your device.

On 07/12/17 20:14, Miro Moman wrote:

Before rebooting also do:

sudo adduser USERNAME plugdev

replacing USERNAME with your user name.

On 07/12/17 20:10, Jean-Paul wrote:

Thank you Timo,

Sorry I am not sure to understand your instruction.

Do I have to open a terminal and give the comand sudo dmesg?

Le 07.12.2017 à 20:03, T. denis a écrit :

Please connect the usb device and share the output of: sudo dmesg

Cheers, Timo

Am 07.12.2017 um 19:57 schrieb Miro Moman <miromoman@gmail.com>:

Is the Laptop a Lenovo X220 Type 4293-B79?

You have Ubuntu 16.04 already installed?

What are you trying to accomplish?

What USB device are you trying to connect?

On 07/12/17 19:46, Jean-Paul wrote:
Thank you.

It is a Laptop Lenovo B79 from Jule 2016

Le 07.12.2017 à 19:40, Miro Moman a écrit :
Which device? Make and model?

Edelmiro Moman, PhD
Organic/medicinal/computational chemist & entrepreneur
Phone: +352 621 511 423
E-mail: miromoman@gmail.com

On 7 Dec 2017 17:32, "Jean-Paul" <jp.piazzolla@academia.lu> wrote:
Gudden Owend alleguer,

Mäin Ubuntu 16.04 erkennt e Gerät net dat un engem USB

ugeschloss ass. Not langem SIchen hunn ech erausfonnt, datt

ech muss eng U dev Regel , setzen, installéieren...

Dat ass allerdengs elo e wéineg Chinesech vir mech.

Ech wier frou wann ee vun Iech mier kéint weiderhellefen

a soe schon mol merci.


My Ubuntu 16.04 does not want to connect a device on USB. After

some research I found I have to set, install e Z dev rule...

That seems diffcult to me.

I would be grateful if anybody could give me a hand.

Mat frendleche Gréiss vun Diddeleng

Jean-Paul Piazzolla
Concepteur de formations langues
Enseignant Professeur
Mobile: 661 19 79 19

Lilux-help mailing list

Jean-Paul Piazzolla
Concepteur de formations langues
Enseignant Professeur
Mobile: 661 19 79 19

Edelmiro Moman, PhD
Organic/medicinal/computational chemist & entrepreneur
Phone: +352 621 511 423
E-mail: miromoman@gmail.com
Lilux-help mailing list

Jean-Paul Piazzolla
Concepteur de formations langues
Enseignant Professeur
Mobile: 661 19 79 19

Edelmiro Moman, PhD
Organic/medicinal/computational chemist & entrepreneur
Phone: +352 621 511 423
E-mail: miromoman@gmail.com

Edelmiro Moman, PhD
Organic/medicinal/computational chemist & entrepreneur
Phone: +352 621 511 423
E-mail: miromoman@gmail.com

Jean-Paul Piazzolla
Concepteur de formations langues
Enseignant Professeur
Mobile: 661 19 79 19

Edelmiro Moman, PhD
Organic/medicinal/computational chemist & entrepreneur
Phone: +352 621 511 423
E-mail: miromoman@gmail.com