Hi all,
some of you may remember the thread some time ago regarding the quality
of text display. The bottom line for me was that, for a Linux desktop to
be appealing and easily readable, the following conditions all had to be
1- no anti-aliasing
2- good fonts
3- freetype with the bytecode interpreter enabled.
My current desktop verifies these 3 and I am happy with it. However, I
had to tweak it because, out of the box,
1- anti-aliasing was not generally disabled
2- font were, well, not great, and
3- freetype was delivered with the bytecode interpreter disabled because
it is an US distro and Apple has a patent on that in the US.
As I have not tested all distros, can anybody tell me which distro meets
these 3 criteria? I am especially interested in the mainstream one's
like SuSE, Mandrake, Debian and Fedora.
Thanks for your feedback,
- smime.p7s
(application/x-pkcs7-signature — 1.8 KB)