On 05/12/2010 02:23 PM, Jim WANDERSCHEID wrote:
First some possibly related info:
For some indiscovered reason my Ubuntu/Firefox3 combination does not
work any more on the BGL site.
For me the Luxtrust card/stick (both use the same middleware) work on
ubuntu 8.10, 9.04 and 9.10. I had applied the instructions of Michel
While upgrade to lucid 10.4, i encountered some problems not finding all
packages indicated by M.Weimerskirch, as a 10.4 version!
I found a another tutorial written by Jens Getreu:
This worked on 10.04 too.
It works for CCPconnect, and some other banks.
I encountered problems with banks sites after upgrading Firefox from 3.0
to 3.5.
Solution for me:
Disable the firefox addon called "ubuntu firefox modifications".
But anyway i override the ubuntu firefox package by relinking the call
to firefox to a standard firefox installation.
I don't like the fact that ubuntu is always late on providing updated
firefox versions (not good for security), by ubuntu's patched and
homebrew firefox cannot be updated by the standard firefox updates....
I don't know if the tokens (sms, or token generator) are working with
linux, as i don't have them.
Luxtrust only lists MAC and Windows as compatible with the tokens,
but why should they not work on a linux?
Do the tokens need a middleware at all? As i understand the
specifications at Luxtrust site, the tokens need a middleware only if
they are used in some specific applications like "de guichet".
Whereas for bank applications, the tokens work with a java applet
without a middleware, whatever the browser or the OS ...?
I think a major incentive for Luxtrust developping the token versions,
was to have a solution for people using Luxtrust in their workplaces,
where users are not allowed to install a Luxtrust software middleware or
plugin a certificate on an USB device.