A friend of mine is using a Siemens Scanpen that has been commercialised
in Germany and Austria. You can buy it on the Internet as second-hand.
Here is the Linux software for it.
You can contact tmattart(a)belgacom.net for details.
On Monday 25 August 2003 08:23, help-admin(a)linux.lu wrote:
A friend of mine, using Linux as only platform for his
small company, is
looking for a Linux-supported Scan Pen (a scanner of the size of a pen).
Do you have experience, info about this ?
Thank you.
Brent Frère
5, rue de Mamer
L-8280 Kehlen
Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Union Européenne
Tél: +352-021/29.05.98
Fax: +352-