On Wed, Feb 02, 2011 at 09:39:42AM +0100, Jean-Paul Piazzolla wrote:
Dear all,
While updating the error with following message appears:
Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
Could you provide us with a bit of context?
What is it you're updating & how, distribution, ...?
Google points to Ubuntu and kpackagekit, problems with
Sun Java.
Maybe running aptitude manually (in konsole) would help:
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
At least, error messages should be rather explicit
If you're using a different distribution, chances are
calling yum (Fedora/RedHat) or yast (or whatever it's
called these days on SuSE) on the console will yield
more information.
I already tried to solve the problem by looking for a
Does anybody know what to do?
Thank you
Jean-Paul Piazzolla
Greetings & hth,