Ms Visio   /    OpenOffice Draw
Outlook   /   Thunderbird
VMWare   /   Qemu
Exchange server   /   Postfix + eGroupware
Exchange webmail   /    Postfix + eGroupware
AntiVirus   /   ClamAV
SpamFilter   /   Amavis + DNSBL + SPF + SpamAssassin
Another area to think about:  What management software exists for managing
a large number of devices?  Think about patch management, IP Address
management, software management (installing/uninstalling software on a
large scale), security management....
Sun Microsystems has such a solution on JDS, its own Linux distro.

Mike Pressel a écrit :
Good morning everyone.

As this list has been slow recently, I thought it might be nice to get a
discussion started about Open Source equivalents or replacements for
common proprietary software.  It might be interesting to capture the
results of this thread on the Lilux web page to help new comers out. 
Similar to our old distribution matrix.  So, here goes:

What open source applications are available to replace commonly used
proprietary applications.  I am primarily thinking about Linux in an
enterprise environment, but there is no need to limit ourselves.  I'll get
us started, please feel free to add or amend as you see fit.

End USer PC Software:
Proprietary                   Open Source
MS Office                     OpenOffice
MS Visio                      Dia?
Outlook                       Evolution
Mindmanager                   Freemind
MS Project
Internet Explorer             Firefox

Server Based Software:
Proprietary                   Open Source
VMware                        Xen/KVM (Does anyone know a good open source
VM management package that works similarly to Vmotion?)
HP Open View                  Nagios/OpenNMS
Systems Management Server
Exchange Server
Exchange Webmail              Squirrel Mail
SharePoint Server
SQL Server                    MySQL/PostGRE SQL
SPAM Filters
Web Security Filters

Another area to think about:  What management software exists for managing
a large number of devices?  Think about patch management, IP Address
management, software management (installing/uninstalling software on a
large scale), security management....

Have fun!


Lilux-help mailing list
Brent Frère

Private e-mail:

Postal address: 58, rue d'Esch
                L-3720 Rumelange
                Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
                European Union

Phone: +352-
Fax:   +352-

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