Patrick Useldinger wrote:
Hi All,
after setting all the correct values (I hope) in xorg.conf, installing
Windows TrueType fonts and so on, the result is still not good.
For a visual, please see:
The left part is how Linux (OpenOffice) shows the text; right is Windows
(Word). Both use the same font (Times New Roman).
Any hints appreciated.
The only difference I see is that Windows doesn't use antialiasing.
This is intentional. Anti Aliasing uses grey pixels to make letters less
sharp (Kantenglättung). You can still configure Linux so that it doesn't
use anti aliasing (like Windows) and other stone age operating systems.
Anyway, RISC OS (Archimedes) uses Anti Aliasing since 1989, LaTeX (xdvi)
previewers use it since the 80's, MacOS X uses it and Longhorn *will*
use it in 2006.
Here is an explanation:
Anyway, Anti Aliasing is a recent feature in Linux. Two years ago fonts
were as pixelized as in Windows ;-) But it seems that you do like
pixelized fonts ;-)
Greetings, Patrick