Georges Toth a écrit :
hi all,

thnx to the discussion about coditel, i found out how much they start to s***.
they sent me a bill a week ago that they were counting traffic, already for 
the past 3 months, and they would bill me now for that traffic.
Very fair ! Admirable commercial practice...
and for 2gb over limit they charge 10€.
CrossComm proposes a ADSL Internet access @ 1 Mb/s for 25 €/month, but only the first 200 MB are free (yes, 0,2 GB only !). This way, you can sent 8000 e-mails a month, they claim ! I hope it's a mistake or a joke, but I'm affraid not...
thinking about changing my isp again, soon. 

what dsl providers are good in lux?
i read some about alternet?
I confirm Alternet ADSL Internet access is good value for your money, is -as far as I know and for the time being- the cheapeast flat-rate ADSL service available (about) everywhere in Luxembourg. The time-limited offer is still on-line on their web site:
Internet access @1Mb/s, no download limit, including ADSL connection is at 29.90 €/month. Only warning: the contract is for 12 months minimum.
The offer is the same. They are just resellers of Alternet.
Brent Frère

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