begin Tuesday 01 June 2004 14:53, Serge Marelli quote:
In the end it seems I'm now able to send e-mail
Thanks to Eric for a suggestion "off-list", I'm now sending my LiLux
mails through the Coditel smtp swerver and reassigning the FROM field to
my LiLux adress...
In a first phase, Coditel had blocked this about a month ago (that's
when I started having problems) and after a chat with Thierry I'd
started using Sendar as my smtp swerver...
Now they block "outside" smtp but allow (l)users to reassign the FROM
adress go figure.
Shouldn't we open port 587 (MSA - mail submission agent) on sendar for
this purpose?
This port is equivalent to 25, apart that it is intended for initial
mail submission, rather than for MTA-to-MTA communication.
Connections to MSA are supported to be authenticated (SMTP AUTH), and
this should be enough to prevent any spam problems using this port.
ISPs are thus supposed not to inferfere with 587.