On Tue, Jan 04, 2005 at 12:28:30AM -0800, Nardis Dome wrote:
Is the IPv6 tutorial a *Day 1/Day 2* tutorial or is
the same tutorial for both days (25 and 26).
It is a 2-day tutorial, with introduction into IPv6 on the
first day and on to more "interesting" stuff on the second
It is essentially the same course as during the Fruehlings-
Fachgespraech last spring in Bochum (?) and last fall at
the Linux Kongress in Erlangen (where I followed it myself).
The course also covers systems other than only GNU/Linux
(such as Solaris, *BSD).
At least at the Linux Kongress you were supposed to bring
your own notebook system for the course, but from what I
heard here in Lux. you can be provided a system.
Greetings, Eric