Hello Alain,
On 2011-12-18 17:29, Alain Louge wrote:
Hi everyone,
I've tried to use openjdk 6 and the corresponding icedtea Firefox plugin
as a replacement for sun-java-6 on Ubuntu 11.10 for accessing BCEE's
S-NET site. I get the infamous message: "exception:
java.security.AccessControlException : access denied" and the applet
does not start. In the same situation, during the first access to the
site, the old sun java plugin ran a popup asking whether the user would
grant permission to execute the applet and updated its config
accordingly. This is apparently missing in icedtea's (or openjdk's?)
A, so that is the reason why openjdk fails with so many applets. Thanks
for having found this out.
Of course, I can make it work by writing a ~/.java.policy with
grant {
permission java.security.AllPermission;
but the security implications are severe, to say the least.
Apparently, it is possible to grant permission by codebase (i.e. where
applet has been downloaded from), rather than globally:
grant codeBase "https://www.bcee.lu/..." {
permission java.security.AllPermission;
(change the URL as appropriate, the codebase should be listed somewhere
on the page that calls the applet, or would by default be that page
itself or its directory).
Still grants all permissions to the BCEE applet, but at least now it is
limited to this applet, so the implication is far less sever now.
Any advice?
Regards, and have a nice slide into the new Year!