On Monday 29 May 2006 23:41, Michel Maria-Sube wrote:
I'm using actually KdePrintFax configirated with sendfax/mgetty-sendfax
but I'm unable to send a fax with this system; what file format is
supportad by sendfax? In the documentation, it is said the input file must
be on g3 format, created by pbm2g3 from bitmat one (if I correctly
understood) but how to convert openoffice format to bitmap?
Long ago I used sendfax and also converted the received faxes to be e-mails
(tiff format). I don't recall exactly how I did this. But the trick was to
print to a file in postscript format. A script extracted the faxnumber (grep
faxnumber:) from it and passed it over to sendfax along with a few
conversions (more than one, perhaps ps2pbm | pbm2g3 ?) to convert the ps to
g3 format. I think that the printfax in KDE does just that or something
(Oh my whatis database apropos isn't working, it just says "nothing
appropriate" )
Best greetings