a word of warning for those of you using Ubuntu on a
NetBook: the new release 10.04, due this friday, has
a bug related to WLAN and WPA/WPA2, for RT2860 chips
as used in many Netbooks (such as the EEE 1000H).
While it can connect to unencrypted or WEP "encrypted"
WLANs, it is unable to connect to WPA/WPA2 APs.
It is fixed in a newer kernel release, but probably
won't be available for the launch of the new version.
If you don't need such access, fine, but if you do,
and want to upgrade, you'll need to use a different
kernel (to be installed via other type of connectivity)
to have things working. The alternative is to delay the
upgrade until the fix is in the standard repositories.
Ah, the joys of beta-testing...
P.S. Launch party friday evening at the hackerspace:
I have a problem using KMail after an upgrade to Kubuntu 10.04. In Kubuntu
9.10, I could define a list of persons to receive a mail, f.ex. a list with
different e-mail addresses.
In the new KMail, I couldn't find such a function.
Could anybody help?
Alex Loes
Centre des technologies de l'information de l'Etat
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>>> jfreres 05/14/10 8:15 PM >>>
On 05/12/2010 02:23 PM, Jim WANDERSCHEID wrote:
>> First some possibly related info:
>> For some indiscovered reason my Ubuntu/Firefox3 combination does not
>> work any more on the BGL site.
I get this on lucid/firefox3.6:
May 15, 2010 3:23:16 PM lu.luxtrust.logging.jre.JRELogger log
WARNING: Unknown parameter : label.btnReload
May 15, 2010 3:23:16 PM lu.luxtrust.logging.jre.JRELogger log
WARNING: Unknown parameter : label.smartcards
Exception in thread "thread applet-com.luxtrust.web.applets.signature.SignApplet-1" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Incompatible magic value 168430090 in class file lu/luxtrust/gemalto/classic/cryptoti/GTO_CTI_Module
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(ClassLoader.java:632)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:616)
at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:141)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Applet2ClassLoader.java:208)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:248)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
at lu.luxtrust.commonlayer.Adapter.newInstance(Adapter.java:131)
at com.luxtrust.web.applets.signature.SignApplet.initCryptoTI(Unknown Source)
at com.luxtrust.web.applets.signature.SignApplet.init(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$AppletExecutionRunnable.run(Plugin2Manager.java:1579)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
> I don't know if the tokens (sms, or token generator) are working with
linux, as i don't have them.
For development purposes I have all 4 private versions available in the office. They all work with Linux (ubuntu flavor).
> Luxtrust only lists MAC and Windows as compatible with the tokens,
but why should they not work on a linux?
There is no reason it shouldn't work.
> Do the tokens need a middleware at all?
No, basically, tokens don't.
> As i understand the specifications at Luxtrust site, the tokens need a middleware only if
they are used in some specific applications like "de guichet".
Correct. This is due to the fact that the guichet's vision is to apply signatures on documents using the adobe acrobat features (it is an embedded signature stored in the pdf document). If you want to do this, you need a middleware even if your using tokens.
Whereas the City of Luxembourg uses a detached signature without adobe stuff, avoiding the need for special middlewares on tokens.
My bank (BGL) uses Luxtrust only to identify me, not to sign documents. That works without a middleware on tokens.
> Whereas for bank applications, the tokens work with a java applet
without a middleware, whatever the browser or the OS ...?
See above, if you only identify people, you don't need middleware with tokens.
> I think a major incentive for Luxtrust developping the token versions,
> was to have a solution for people using Luxtrust in their workplaces,
> where users are not allowed to install a Luxtrust software middleware or
> plugin a certificate on an USB device.
Yeap, and if you're on vacation and need to do some urgent bank operations out of a cybercafe somewhere in the world.
Jim Wanderscheid
Hello all,
Taking the opportunity that was given to me by the CCP Luxembourg to get
a free Luxtrust certificate, I ordered it but ... when receiving the
password letter I went to the luxtrust site to discover that, using any
of the browsers I have (I tryed with opera, seamonkey and firefox3), I
always get :
La configuration de votre ordinateur ne permet pas d'effectuer
l'action demandée.
* Bien que LuxTrust s'éfforce de rendre ses produits compatibles
avec les systèmes d'exploitation Linux, nous ne pouvons pas
garantir que votre produit fonctionnera correctement .*
Par ailleurs, LuxTrust n'est pas en mesure de fournir un support
technique pour les plarteformes Linux. Si vous avez besoin d'un
support veuillez contacter la communauté Linux.*
* * * *Le support pour ce navigateur Internet n'est pas connu.
Veuillez utiliser un navigateur officiellement supporté par
LuxTrust liste des configurations officiellement supportées
As you can see from the link above, "only" two distros are supported
(Linux Debian 4.0 (Etch) and Linux Red Hat 4.0) and firefox is valid on
the later only. And that is not even with the signing server (token)
they sent me !
Was anybody able to use the said certificate with linux ?
Thanks for your help.
> From: Brent Fr?re <Brent.Frere(a)abilit.eu>
> Subject: Re: [Lilux-help] Luxtrust certificate - activation
> To: Jim WANDERSCHEID <jwanderscheid(a)vdl.lu>
> Cc: lilux-help(a)lilux.lu
> Jim WANDERSCHEID a ?crit :
>> Also, do you have a JRE from SUN installed or any other one like e.g.
>> OpenJDK?
>> I had bad experiences with anything else than the Sun package when
>> using LuxTrust signatures.
> I had the problem at one of my customer's site: I confirm that only the
> genuine Sun Java version works with LuxTrust.
I use my Luxtrust certification (smartcard version) with my netbook
Asus with external USB card reader.
It works fine. Distro is Ubuntu Netbook Remix.
Indeed (as far as I remember) only Sun JDK works.
For bank BCEE connection it works fine. However for Guichet.lu it
doesn't work : it seems that for this website unfortunately browser IE
is requested.
Linux Counter #353844
Hello everyone. Does anyone have any experience with using NAS devices
in a mixed environment (Windows, OSX, and linux)? The two primary
purposes of the device would be backup of user data and
sharing/streaming of media files.
Due to the layout of my apartment, this device will be sitting in my
living room in the open, so it must be quiet and ideally compact enough
to fit on a bookshelf behind a few small books.
Although I am not fixated on it, RAID 1 or above would be a very nice
value add.
User swappable drives would be preferred.
It should work with OSX Time Machine, but not let it eat up the entire
hard drive (quota support)
Of course, I would love to have something that is based on open source
So, does anyone have any advice, recommendations, horror stories?
Hash: SHA1
Good day lads,
I have a little issue with nginx as reverse proxy for an imap server.
Instead of retelling all of the story in this mail I'll rather point to the forums I've been posting
about this:
What I need (I guess) is a suiting solution to debug that SSL connection timing out. I've been
looking at the connection with tcpdump but let's not allow ourselves any illusions, I don't really
know what I should be looking at.
Any tips?
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I've been experiencing a very bizarre problem :
I have an ASUS laptop with Windows Vista and a Huawei USB modem with a Tango subscription [mobile internet]. It works just fine under Vista.
A couple of days ago I got from a magazine a DVD with several Linux distributions, I tried some of them [namely Suse and Mandriva] in the live-CD mode [running from the DVD] and they seemed to work fine. They even recognized the Huawei, configured it without a problem and the internet connection was pretty good. As a matter of fact much faster than Windows !
So, I decided to install Mandriva on the hard disk, installation went just fine [multiple boot with grub], and internet was excellent.
And then I shut down and when I turned the PC on the following day, I had no internet and Mandriva did not even see my Huawei modem! I tried several times with the other distributions from my DVD but nothing. Huawei had disappeared completely!!!
Still I can use it without any problem from Windows !
Does anybody have an idea ? Who can help me ?
thanks in advance
Nikolas NASSOS