I have a little problem with vi
In kubuntu Dapper it was possible to move the cursor with the cursor
keys not only in command mode but also in editing mode. Since I use the
new kubuntu edgy eft, this isn't possible in editing mode. The only
thing that appears is letters and new lines.
How do I turn the old manner on, to move the cursor with cursor keys,
even if in editing mode?
The other keys (Home,End.......) don't work either.
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I installed kubuntu dapper on a machine. All went fine.
After changing the proxy variable into http_proxy="blafasel:8080" , apt
refuses to work with the "excuse":
Failed to fetch blabla/sources.gz Cannot initialize the connection to
8080:80 ( . - connect (22 Invalid argument).
Why does it interpret the variable wrong? The variable is only taken
after the :
Can anybody help me?
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I have deleted the fstab of my system. How can I create a new one?
(I don't wanna do it manually, but a script should do it, it does it
while installing, but how is it called?
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Hi all,
I need to edit an MS Project file, which I have
both in the original .mpp format, as well as the
XML export.
It would seem that "planner" is not able to open
either file.
Running MS Project in wine is not an option, as
I don't have the program available.
No, redrawing the thing in planner is not an
option either, only viewing the file is not
sufficient either.
Can anyone point me to a solution?
TIA, Eric
Is there anybody out there :-) going to the Meeting and passing Esch? I
rather have difficulties to drive at night so I am asking if someone
could catch me @ Esch and deposit me there after the meeting.
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: installation of Linux
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 16:25:58 +0200
From: Giuseppe.SCHIFANO(a)eca.europa.eu
To: lilux-help-owner(a)lilux.lu
I would like to install Linux and need some advises. Could you please
tell me whether you can help me?
thank you,
Giuseppe Schifano
tel. +352 4398.45901, fax .46901
Quelqu'un d'entre vous aurait-il des suggestions pour la reconversion de
matériel devenu obsolète suite à la mise à jour du parc informatique d'une
Il est question ici de plusieurs écrans 17" à tube cathodique ainsi que de
stations de travail de type PC.
J'ai eu beau chercher de l'information relativement à des associations
luxembourgeoises qui reconvertiraient du matériel informatique en vue de leur
réutilisation (écoles, associations, ...), mais n'ai pas trouvé d'information
à ce sujet.
Toute information à ce sujet est la bienvenue.
Par avance merci.
Sergio da Silva >> sergio (dot) dasilva (at) cegecom (dot) lu